Happy New Year everyone!
I hope you are all doing well and had a nice Christmas Holiday. This past year was quite busy for me, not so much in the art realm but being a daddy. It has been a real joy watching our little son grow and experience things for the first time. He is almost 11 months old and he is absolutely beautiful. I will be sure to post some recent photos of him when I get a chance, but I did do a little ACEO (aka baby brownie) of him yesterday afternoon. It's very tiny just like he is.

I am hoping to get a little more time in the studio this year. I'm really getting the itch to do some creating but I will take whatever time I am given. Recently, I've been mostly drawing and doing commissions and I'd like to share a drawing I did late last night. It is called, "On the Mend". It is about a tree that is broken, not only physically but also spiritually. It wasn't until he was touched by Love and Light that he is now on the mend. We have all struggled and know people that have struggled with ailments. Here's to a new year ahead in hope of living in Love and in Light.
Have a wonderful day! ~James