It was the old man who found the lost bee that had wandered far off and had not been seen for many a day.
Barely alive and clinging to a purple flower, the bee sensed his keeper was near and with all it's strength he buzzed his frail wings as a cry for salvation. At that very moment, the old bee man suddenly appeared and said, "Hello, my little friend. I have been searching for you for quite some time. I have now found you and will now keep you close to my heart. For I love all of my servants and I will never loose any of you". ~JB
This painting and its meaning kind of grew while I was creating it. To be lost and suddenly found is a very beautiful thing. It's inspired by how God loves us and how He keeps us close to Him and also how He searches us out when we are lost.
I painted this using watercolor and gesso on Arches 140 lb cold press paper. It measures 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches.